Friday, December 12, 2014

MUSIC: The Best in Music for 2014

1. CARIBOU Our Love
I've been aware of Dan Snaith's Caribou project for years and occassionally would grab tracks or hear snippets and find it all pleasing, pretty, but a bit dull. So the announcement of another Caribou album left me with a case of the shrugs. I was wrong. This grabbed me from the first second I heard it and held me. Warm, sunny, shimmery, dancey, poppy, soft, mysterious, quiet and loud, romantic, brilliant. Love it.

Although she had released two under-the radar EP releases, this debut album seemingly comes out of slay. Modernized trip-hop, R'n'B put through the slow/churning/shadowy filter is on display here and it sounds fresh. Although the new genre of quiet, slow, "Blog-Hop/Blog'n'B" (look, I created a shitty music media genre name) has a reigning queen. You don't need to scream, oversing, and melisma to out-queen Snoreyonce. Twigs has more interesting ideas in her fingertip than most American divas do in their fame-hungry clutches.

3. DAMON ALBARN Everyday Robots
Even though his career has spanned nearly 25 years of releasing music, Blur/Gorillaz/etc. frontman Albarn had never released a solo album before. What a wonderfully subtle, quiet but steady LP. Acoustic guitar strums, plaintive piano chords, sputtering drum programming; it's like all of Blur's best ballads on one album. It's "Tender" meets "No Distance Left to Run" warm melancholic ache that Damon does best with his wounded vocals.  

4. ROBYN & ROYKSOPP Do It Again / ROYKSOPP The Inevitable End
Not one but two Royksopp releases greet us this year, along with the news that the band, although not splitting, will not release "albums" anymore; the new paradigm? Robyn is back in equal force on the EP and "Monument" may be one of her best tracks. After a teaser of an EP, Royksopp also unleashed what amounts to a double album of new material; the highlights feature The Irrepressibles' Jamie on a lion's share of vocal duties with his delicate croon. 

It was one of those Bowie-esque returns after a decade off, Richard D. James is back and it's like the '90s never disappeared. Not to say that all of these tracks were sitting on a shelf during a drum n' bass flurry of work; there is still plenty of dateless electronic squelching, squirming and slithering from James' master hands. 

PERFUME GENIUS Too Bright - Neither of his previous albums did anything for me; quite the opposite, I found them grating. So I was pleasantly surprised to find that I really dug his third album. He's embraced a fuller band sound, electronics, and not too many fluttery, breathy, gaspy piano and vocal ballads.

1. HERCULES AND LOVE AFFAIR The Feast of the Broken Heart - A great return after the lackluster 2nd LP. Fun, sexy and pure '90s house. John Grant oddly makes a great house vocalist
2. THE 2 BEARS The Night is Young - Needs trimming and not as good as their debut, but the good songs are actually great songs
3. MICROFILM Chemical Robotics EP - Yeah, it's us but it's good; download for free here: and Is This It?
4. JESSIE WARE Tough Love (Cyril Hahn remix) - Best track on the pretty good new LP; hoping the album would have a few house bangers like "Imagine It Was Us"
5. AZALEIA BANKS Broke With Expensive Taste - Apart from being a turd of a person, the housey tracks on here are fun

1. ARCA Xen - Happy to know that this South American gay electronic adventurer will be working with Bjork on her new LP; Xen is a sprawling spiky but pretty journey of an album
2. LEON VYNHALL Music for the Uninvited - melancholic art house music; house music for headphone listening; lovely
3. THROWING SNOW Mosaic - I always new trip-hop would come back in vogue, albeit modernized for this century
4. EAST INDIA YOUTH Total Strife Forever - An odd mix of instrumental synthscapes, techno, dark synth(not)pop
5. GAZELLE TWIN Unflesh - Don't be worried The Knife has called it quits this year, you have Gazelle Twin, a one-woman electro stark and dark soundscape

1. MORRISSEY World Peace is None of Your Business - So happy he still had something left in him; arguably his best work in 20 years
2. VASHTI BUNYAN Heartleap - This is the year I really discovered her; suppposedly her last album, so what a way to go
3. SOFT PINK TRUTH Why Do the Heathens Rage? - Bizarre high concept album that oddly and noisily works. Funny and scary and cool
4. NENEH CHERRY The Blank Project - Not your '80s Neneh. Stripped down and loose and darkly pop. Cool
5. CIBO MATTO Hotel Valentine - The lovely sense of fun and inventiveness is back

1.WILD BEASTS Present Tense - A slight improvement over Smother, but more of the edges are being sanded off
2. THE HORRORS Luminous - A poppier, slicker version of 'Skying'; pretty and spot-the-references fun, but I want a bit of the angularity back
3. LANA DEL RAY Ultraviolence - A nice twist to not repeat the trip-hop influence, I just wonder how much gas she has left in her
4. THOM YORKE Tomorrow's Modern Boxes - A pleasant listen but evaporates right after.The Eraser-lite
5. ZOLA JESUS Taiga - She wanted this to be her big "pop" album, but it was too dark, grand, and same-same to make it

1. ERLEND OYE Legao - I don't know where to begin with my disappointment; reggae-lite? Snoozy, boring, bland, and aimless. His first solo studio album in...11 years is this? And he currently thinks electronic music is "boring"? Try this instead:
2. LA ROUX Trouble in Paradise - Tinnier than the debut, even though it has slicker production. A long wait to be unimpressed.
3. LYKKE LI I Never Learn - Her last LP was one of my faves of that year so a bit disappointed how blah this all sounds as a whole.
4. JJ V - I forgot I was listening to it as I went on. I wonder if the magic has faded with these guys?
5. SINEAD O'CONNOR I'm Not Bossy... - The lead single "Take Me to Church" was amazing, the best song's she's done in decades easily, but I was not as thrilled by the rest, sadly.