Tuesday, March 24, 2015

MUSIC: 'Supernatant' is Supernatural

Matthew Mercer releases his second full-length album 'Supernatant' today. Where his last full-length, Pianissimo Possibile was a collection of beautiful pieces based around cut up piano recordings and stuttering electronic beats, Supernatant is an even starker collection. Waves of ambient drones and tones, beatless and haunting, flow through 11 tracks.

This giant mood piece definitely shifts in subtle ways. Headphones and patience are a must to really immerse yourself in all the detailing that Mercer has put into each track. The press release asks the listener to "play loud" and I agree.

If the audio only atmospherics aren't enough for some of you visually needy out there, Mercer has filmed a video piece for each track. Yes, that is 11 separate video pieces that satisfy the filmmaker in Mercer and the idea of soundtracking such an immersive headphone trip. Natural snow coated forests, urban transportation tunnels, stormy intense skies, desolate ocean shores, twinkly city lights, menacing stark woods, every one of these makes appearances in the video album. The full video playlist can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNJQIqf8idY&list=PLvV_NsZF_UopVJKLfXTYElY66g24KdgQN

As winter fades into spring (or fades back to winter for the East Coasters), Supernatant plays a perfect soundtrack.

Listen/buy the album here: https://matthewmercer.bandcamp.com/

If you enjoy it, please repost about the release. Word-of-mouth makes these musical adventures work.

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